
4 Sunscreen Tips to Save Your Skin

Protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun's harmful rays is essential for maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin. Here are some tips to help you choose and apply sunscreen effectively. 

Broad Spectrum is Best

When it comes to sunscreen, not all products are created equal. Dr. Rogers recommends choosing a sunscreen labeled as "broad spectrum" to ensure comprehensive protection. Look for a minimum SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30 and PA+++ rating. This combination will shield your skin from both UVB rays, which cause sunburn, and UVA rays that can lead to premature aging.

It's All About Application

Applying sunscreen properly is crucial for maximum effectiveness. Using the right amount of sunscreen to cover exposed areas adequately. For your face, use a quarter teaspoon, roughly equivalent to the length of two fingers. When applying sunscreen to your body, imagine filling a shot glass, which is approximately 1.5 ounces. This ensures that you are adequately protected from head to toe.

Location, Location, Location!

Don't forget to protect all your skin's VIPs (Very Important Places). Apply sunscreen daily to your face, neck, chest, and the backs of your hands. Additionally, if you're planning a day by the pool or spending time outdoors, remember to cover every exposed area. Apply sunscreen to commonly overlooked areas such as the backs of your feet, ears, and even your scalp. Every inch of exposed skin deserves protection!

Find Your Perfect Match

Choosing the right sunscreen is a personal journey. Find a sunscreen that you love and feel comfortable wearing daily. With a wide range of brands and formulations available, take the time to experiment until you discover one that suits your skin type and preferences. Whether you prefer a lightweight lotion, a tinted moisturizer, or a water-resistant formula, there's a sunscreen out there that will make your skincare routine a pleasure.

Keeping your skin protected from the sun is a year-round responsibility, but is even more imperative in the summer. By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your skin receives the optimal protection it needs. Remember to choose a broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and PA+++. Apply generously, covering all exposed areas, and don't forget to find a sunscreen you love. With these tips in mind, you can confidently enjoy the outdoors while keeping your skin healthy, radiant, and shielded from the sun's harmful rays.


These recommendations are not sponsored. They are the result of Dr. Heather D. Rogers, MD evidence-based research and extensive clinical experience. 

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